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Posted by on April 07, 2010 at 04:30:55:

Even though Overkilling by Djinee may very well be the most superb musical video produced by Nigeria's music industry as at today, I just feel like airing my views on this exciting movie.
Ok, I have watched the Overkilling video by Djinee, Nigeria's famous male vocalist, and found out that it is really a nice video and with a swagging song to go with it. But I can't help to say that there are certain things that were lacking in the video.
The lyrics, the stance and the meloody with which the song came in showed that it was sort of a "hard" song.

He sings;
"I dey calm down ooh
No think say I be mumu ooh.."

But what I saw mostly in the video was a supposed "hard" man putting his hands in his pocket.
The movie lacked:

- Stunts:
Some nice acrobatic movie stunts would have made the movie much more fabulous. If there was something like Djinee flying upwards like Keanu Reaves in Matrix Reloaded or if he was just falling down from that building and yet kept on singing like Eminem did in his movie - The way I am. They kept on showing a digitally created tall building with Djinee standing on top but no stunts, no falling down from the tower or at least flying. If he was afraid of doing some stunts, he could have hired a stuntsman or something

- Action:
There was not much action in the movie like a car crashing or guns popping or even people running. The only supposed action was zooming in and out effects with the camera and other 3d effects which were equally not enough. I wanted to see more action like a war in the Niger delta or some glass breaking. Although M.I. and his crew appearing in black suits to support Djinee was great but this is supposed to be an action movie.

Well, it could have been a much better movie and perhaps they would be a remix or something to improve it but the digital effects and picture was great

Anyways, here are a couple of nice things I found out about the video itself which practically outweighed what it supposedly lacked:

- The fire exploding in Djinee's background was great. I amost thought that it would splash onto the screen.
- The 3d building was a nice work.
- The Into with Djinee's name and the exit with Overkillin was superb.
- The street background was also wow.
- The trenchcoat Djinee was wearing and his haircut was equally fitting for the video
- The black and white background with the models and blig bling was great.
- The thunder and lightning with the dark cloud was a great effect
- The intro background sound like a violin was also nice.

Well, those are my tit bits on Overkillin and I just have to say that this is the best video I have seen coming out of Naija till date, at least for now. Thumbs up to Djinee and his crew.

If you haven't watched the video, follow this link to do so


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