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Posted by Stanley on December 27, 2011 at 06:37:00:

Essay Competition has become a means through which Nigerian undergraduates, graduates, and high school students make a good sum of money to further their academics in the higher level. You should not be left out.

There are many Essay Competitions that is currently going on around you but the fear of failure has made you not to participate in it. From our personal study of the attitude of students, we have come to the conclusion that students are not just afraid of failure when it comes to starting something, but are actually afraid of success. They know that if they want to be successful they have lots of prices (hard work) to pay. Since, they are not willing to pay such prices they have continued to wallow in their current state of financial confusion and despair.

It is important that you realize that having an idea or skill is not enough when you eventually decide to compete in any Nigerian or International essay writing involving huge amount of money to win.

"Essay 101 - The Solution to all Nigerian and International Essay Contest" is an e-book that has been packaged to give you the secret strategies for an award winning essay.

Competing in essay writing requires a lot which includes knowledge in all aspects of writing because it demands its own skills which must be diligently acquired like an art.

Take it or leave it, there are secret strategies of writing essay competition. Just as every star has a secret, so is there a writing secret behind every award winning essay. The more secret you can access, the more results you will command.

You could win thousands of Naira as a result of ordering this book.

There is currently a 25% off in any payment for "Essay 101 - The Solution to all Nigerian and International Essay Contest" at the reduced price of N 500 only. If you’re interested, please respond immediately by visiting - http://www.solution-essaycompetition.gnbo.com.ng/products for your orders.

See you at the Top!

Stanley I. Kalu, Best-selling Author, Essay 101 – The Solution to all Nigerian and International Essay Contest, Why Stealing, Nowz the Time to Shine, Mentoring God’s Heritage, At the Alter of Children.

Also available on Create Space and Amazon.com through this link: https://www.createspace.com/3727666


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