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Posted by Solynta on Monday April 22, 2013 11:31:15:

What is Solar Energy
Quite simply, it is energy that is produced directly from the sun. It is by some order of magnitude the most powerful energy source on earth. It will never run out!

Is Solar power widely used around the world
Yes. In Germany, 3% of their entire power supply is generated by Solar panels, with a production capacity of 32,300mW Nigeria’s entire electricity production capacity is 5,000mW. And Germany receives far less sunshine than Nigeria. In Australia, over 10% of all households now use solar power.

Are there any running costs associated with Solar Power
None. Once your system is installed, electricity production is completely free. There are no ongoing running costs.

Is Solar Power Affordable
Absolutely. In fact, recent price drops in the technology have made it significantly cheaper than diesel. The average family would recover the full cost of a 2kW system in less than 2 years. The more energy you consume, the shorter the payback period. A typical business such as a restaurant or petrol station would recover the full cost of a system in approximately 8 to 9 months. And guaranteed 24 hour electricity for life.

How much will I save
Solar Energy is the single best investment a Nigerian household or business could make. The average family will save N17.5m over 25 years, assuming that the cost of fuel does not rise. In reality, the savings will be much greater as fuel prices are due to rise by 50% once the fuel subsidy is removed in full. The more electricity a household or business uses, the greater the savings. A typical bank branch spends N4m a month on diesel and will recover the full cost of the system in less than a year. Thereafter they will save N48m a year on diesel costs.

So, how is Solar Energy converted into electricity
Photovoltaic (PV) panels are designed to be able to capture the raw energy emitted by the sun and convert it into direct current (DC) electricity. They are typically mounted onto the roof of premises so as to get maximum exposure to the sun. The more exposure they get, the more electricity they generate.

What happens next
The DC electricity generated by the PV panels needs to be converted into alternating current (AC) electricity, as this is what most of our electrical appliances are run by (computers run on DC current). This is done by an Inverter, which takes the DC current fed directly from the PV panels and turns it
into AC current. This AC current is then used to power all of your electrical appliances. Ok, so what happens at night when no solar energy is being produced This is where the battery array comes into play. During daylight hours, as well as supplying power to the inverter, energy is also transferred to the batteries to charge them up. When the sun goes down,
the inverter automatically sources its energy from the battery bank, providing you with a continuous supply of electricity.

How long do the PV panels last for
The panels can last up to 50 years, and come with a full 25-year manufacturers warranty. We guarantee a performance efficiency of 90% after 10 years and 80% after 25 years.

How long do the batteries last for
We provide high quality deep cycle batteries that have a useful life of 5 years.

How long does the Inverter last for
The average life of an inverter is 10 years, and comes with a 5 year manufacturers warranty.

How do I know how which Solar Power System to purchase
This depends on your total daily electricity consumption. The more you consume, the bigger the system you will need to power your home or business.

How do I find out my daily electricity consumption rate
It’s simple. Our innovative Energy Calculator works out how much electricity you use each day, based on the number of appliances you use, their power rating (in watts) and how long you use them for each day.

Don’t I know that based on the size of the generator I use
No. The size of your generator is an indicator of how many appliances you can run simultaneously. The more powerful the generator, the more appliances you can run simultaneously. This is called your electricity load capacity and is determined by the size of your inverter. Our Energy calculator allows you to work out your maximum load requirement, based on the
maximum number of appliances you need to operate at the same time.

So, does the inverter need to be the same size as my generator
In simple terms, yes. However please bear in mind that generators are usually sold with reference to your maximum electricity load, and you typically only use maximum load for relatively short periods of time each day. Very often, you don’t actually need the size of generator you are using. And of course, the bigger your generator, the more money it costs you in fuel.

So I’m clear, what’s the difference between my electricity usage and my electricity load
Electricity usage is the number of units of electricity that you use each day and is measured in kilowatt-hours (Kwh). Electricity load is the amount of energy that is required to run all the electrical appliances you use simultaneously.

How much energy can the PV panels produce each day
A 1kW system will produce between 4kWh’s and 5kWh’s of electricity each day. The amount of energy produced by the PV panels is based on the amount of ‘Peak Sunlight hours’ received. In Nigeria as a whole, this ranges between 4 and 5 in the South, to as high as 9 in the North. The higher the peak sunlight hours, the fewer PV panels are required to generate the same amount of energy. This is one of the main reasons why solar energy is more highly suited to Nigeria than the majority of countries; she is blessed with one of the highest levels of solar radiation in the world.

What is the average level of electricity usage per household in Nigeria
Recent studies indicate that the average electrified Nigerian household would consume between 6kWh and 8kWh each day if they received 24 hours of electricity. The actual recorded consumption rate is only 1.5kWh per day as most households do not receive 24 hours of electricity. So a 2kW PV system would produce between 8kW and 10kW of electricity each day, enough to power the average Nigerian household for 24 hours a day.

How much maintenance do they require
Minimal. As there are no moving parts there is nothing to break down. The panels may need to be given a wipe every few months to remove any dust on them. That’s it. As part of our service we offer free maintenance for the first 2 years.

Where are the PV panels installed
They are typically installed on the roof so they are exposed to the maximum amount of sunlight. They can also be installed on the ground if there is insufficient roof space (this will only apply in the case of businesses with large premises that require huge Energy need)

To learn more about how we can help with your energy needs;

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