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Posted by Kehinde on Sunday April 16, 2017 19:32:53:

In 2017, it happens that a new way of making money in Nigeria is by simply being a whistle blower. In this context, being a whistle blower is not about blowing a whistle as a referee does during a football match but it means reporting suspected cases of corruption to the Nigerian government. All they need to do is report to the government and they get a reward for it if the report is found to be helpful. All a whistle blower needs to do is report to the government and get up to 5% of the recovered looted/stolen funds. The whistle blower's personal details will also be kept secret for their own safety according to the government. SO, if you know of anywhere or anyone who may be keeping stolen funds gotten from public office, you should report to the government and make money doing so.


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