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Posted by Felucci on Felucci on October 14, 2009 at 05:39:30:

Graphcard is the way to go when it comes to online payments.
You must have heard about Graphcard if you've been on the internet for about a year. Graphcard is a kind of service that allows you to make payments alternatively for your online transactions. You can send and receive fund with a graphcard account to another graphcard user or you can also create your own virtual visa card (VCC)
Truly, credit cards are available in Nigeria and we've got Visa and Matsercard now partnering with Nigerian banks to provide such online payment services for Nigerian and it comes with a Nigerian address. However not all credit cards issued by such banks are accepted by all merchants in the world particularly in the Us and some processors or merchants equally disallow credit cards that come with a Nigerian address, this is where Graphcard can equally help, as it allows you to create your own virtual credit card that comes with a us address so that your order will not be rejected when you make one.
Graphcard goes further to help you in these areas;
- It allows you to have a Us address and phone number
- It offers you the ability to shop online and ships to you using an online shopper platform.
- It allows you to buy Virtual credit cars online

Graphcard is the way to go if you are really serious about making online payments on te internet and especially if you are coming from Nigeria or Ghana where oter services like Paypal are not allowed
Try them today


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